
Showing posts from January, 2021

Trump’s Leaner White House 2020 Payroll Saved Taxpayers $23.5 Million Since 2017

 Trump’s Leaner White House 2020 Payroll Saved Taxpayers $23.5 Million Since 2017 By Adam AndrzejewskiSenior Contributor During President Trump’s first four-years, he spent $23.5 million less on White House payroll costs than Obama, adjusted for inflation. Trump’s White House payroll has 413 employees – that’s 55 fewer staffers than Barack Obama (FY2012) at the same point in their presidencies. There was 36-percent turnover in White House staff, year over year. This was the same percentage as the previous year. Comparing First Lady staff headcount: Melania Trump (11 staffers) versus Michelle Obama (24 staffers). Today, the Trump administration released its annual report to Congress on the White House Office Personnel. The payroll data includes employee name, status, salary, and position title for all 413 White House employees as of June 30, 2020. Search the recent Trump administration (2017, 2018, and 2019) payroll data posted at Over the past 12 months, Trump further

Beautiful Earth!

 Cassowary, second largest bird in the world. Lays blue eggs. They can grow up to 5 ft. 6 inches tall weighing 167 pounds. They’ve a reputation as being the world’s most dangerous bird.


Image: Architectural model of the temple of King Solomon in Jerusalem 1883 After a design by Thomas Newberry Glaring inaccuracies in the 19th century model aside, the model's history and its current place in the Metropolitan Museum is testimony to the Holy Temple's enduring centrality to humanity. Following is the Met's own description of the model: On view at The Met Fifth Avenue in Gallery 554 This monumental nineteenth-century architectural model of Solomon’s Temple exhibits skilled craftsmanship and exquisite artistry, as well as architectural ingenuity and conceptual brilliance. Based on biblical descriptions of the Temple, the model is comprised of the following architectural layout: Porch, Holy Place, Holy of Holies, side chambers and galleries. It is adorned with the Altar of Burnt Offerings, the Brazen Sea, ten Lavers, Golden Altar of Incense, ten Lamp Stands, ten Tables for Shew Bread, Ark of the Covenant, two Great Cherubim, two pillars (called "Jachin and B

Hail To The Chief